
Jadavpur University Alumni Association Hyderabad Chapter


Blog posts August 2016

Trip to Adilabad - Kadam Dam and Kuntala Falls

The recently completed trip to Adilabad included a visit to Jeeyar Gurukumal school for tribal children in the village of Allampalli, a memorable stay in Haritha Kadam resort near kadem dam and on the bank of the Kadam river and a visit to Kuntala falls by a group of JU Hyderabadis from 27th to 28th…

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Science Symposium 2016

Recently the Science Symposium 2016 was held in IICT, Tarnaka. About 16 schools from Hyderabad participated in the event. This year's theme was "inquisitiveness - an apt active curiosity". The first half involved an interaction cum presentation session by leading scientsts followed by question and a…

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2 blog posts